Copper to dark brown. Medium to high bitterness. Very low hop flavor. No hop aroma. Light to medium body. Low fruitiness and esters. Traditionally fermented warm but aged at cold termperatures. Very low diacetyl. Examples: Zum Uerige, Widmers.
Medium to dark brown. High hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. Medium maltiness and body. Low diacetyl. Examples: Geary's Hampshire Special Ale, Brooklyn Brown.
Very pale. Efferevescent. Light body. Low to medium bitterness. Low malt flavor or aroma OK. Low hop flavor or aroma OK. Low fruitiness/ester. Can use ale or lager yeasts or a combination of both. Examples: Little King's Cream Ale, Genesee Cream Ale.
Deep copper to dark brown. Light to medium body. Low bitterness. Low malt aroma or flavor OK. Low hop flavor or aroma OK. Effervescent. No fruitiness esters. Very low diacetyl. Examples: Michelob dark, Lowenbrau Dark.
Pale to golden. Light body. Low to medium bitterness. Low malt aroma or flavor. Low hop aroma and flavor. Effervescent. No fruitness, esters or diacetyl. No lingering aftertaste or bitterness. Examples: Asahi Dry, Bud Dry, etc.
Very pale. Light body. Very low bitterness. Low malt aroma and flavor. Low hop aroma and flavor OK. Effervescent. No fruitiness, esters or diacetyl. Examples: Miller Lite, Bud Light, etc.
Pale to deep amber/red/copper. Low to medium maltiness. High hop bitterness. Medium hop flavor and aroma. Use of american hops such as Cascade, Willamette, Centennial, etc. Fruity/estery. Low diacetyl. Medium body. Examples: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Anchor Liberty Ale, Geary's Pale Ale.
Very pale to golden. Light body. Low to medium bitterness. Low malt aroma and flavor Ok. Low hop flavor or aroma OK. Effervescent. No fruitiness, esters or diacetyl. Examples: Michelob, Miller Genuine Draft.
Very pale. Light body. Very low bitterness. Low malt aroma and flavor. Low hop aroma and flavor OK. Effervescent. No fruitiness, esters or diacetyl. Examples: Budweiser, Miller, etc.
Pale to amber. Light to medium body. Low to medium bitterness. Malt and hop flavor and aroma OK. Low to medium fruitiness and esters. Low diacetyl. Lager yeast. Examples: Anchor Wheat, Pyramid Wheaten Ale.
Copper to medium brown. Malty sweetness, fruity and estery. Low to high bitterness. Medium to full body. Low to high hop aroma and flavor. Alcoholic taste. Low to medium diacetyl. Examples: Young's Old Nick, Sierra Nevada *Bigfoot.
Pale to dark brown. Alcoholic and can be vinous. Darker beers are colored with candied sugar and not so much dark malt. Full body. Examples: Duvel, Scaldis, Celis Grand Cru.
Made with unmalted wheat, malted barley and sometimes oats. Often spiced with coriander seed and dried bitter orange peel. Hop flavor and aroma. Dry and low diacetyl. Low to medium esters. Examples: Hoegaarden, Celis White, Blanche de Bruges.
Pale. Light body. Dry. Sharp lactic sourness. Fruity/estery. Between 60-70% malted wheat. Very low bitterness. No hop flavor or aroma. Effervescent. No diacetyl. Examples: Kindl, Schultheiss
Deep golden to deep copper. Medium to high malt flavor. Light to medium body. Medium hop bitterness. Medium hop flavor and aroma. Light to medium frutiness, esteriness. Earthy, cellar-like, musty aromas. Improves with some aging. Examples: 3 Monts, Castelaine, Jade.
Copper to dark brown. Full body. Malty sweet character predominates in aroma and flavor with some toasted chocolate malt character. Low bitterness and hop flavor. No hop aroma. No fruitiness or esters. Low to medium diacetyl. Examples: Bass Bock, Frankenmuth Bock, Baderbrau Bock.
Pale to golden. Light to medium body. Medium to high bitterness. Low to medium hop flavor and aroma "noble-type". Low to medium maltiness in aroma and flavor. No fruitiness, esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Pilsener Urquel, Budweiser Budvar, Baderbrau.
Medium to dark brown. No roast barley or strong burnt malt character. Light to medium body. Low to medium malt sweetness. Medium hop bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma: none to medium. Fruitiness/esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Indianapolis Dark.
Light amber to copper. Medium body. Toasted or caramellike maltiness in aroma and flavor. Medium to high hop bitterness. Hop flavor medium to high. Aroma medium. Fruitiness and esters low. Low diacetyl. Lager yeast, fermented warm but aged cold. Examples: Anchor Steam.
Light to dark brown. Very full body. Malty sweetness evident in aroma and flavor can be intense. High alcoholic flavor. Slight fruitness and esters. Low bitterness. Low hop flavor. No hop aroma. Low diacetyl. Examples: Paulaner Salvator, EKU Kulminator, Spaten Optimator.
Pale to golden. Medium Body. Medium malty sweetness. Medium bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma, "noble-type" ok. No fruitiness, esters, or diacetyl. Alcoholic warmth evident.
Black opaque. Light to full body. Medium to high hop bitterness. Low levels of roasted barley character. Sweet maltiness and caramel malt evident. No hop flavor or aroma. Slight acidity/sourness. Low to medium alcohol. Diacetyl low to medium. Examples: Guinness Draft, Murphy's Draft.
Deep copper to brown. Dark version of Weizen. Chocolatelike maltiness evident. Banana and cloves and other phenolics may still be evident, but to a lesser degree. Stronger than Weizen. Medium body. Low diacetyl. Low hop flavor and aroma. Examples: Edelweiss, EKU.
*Eisbock1.092 - 1.1168.6 - 14.426 - 3318.0 - 50.0
A stronger version of Doppelbock. Deep copper to black. Very alcoholic. Typically brewed by freezing a doppelbock and removing resulting ice to increase alcohol content. Examples: Kulmbacher Reichelbrau Eisbock, Niagra Falls Eisbock.
Medium to dark brown. Sweet and malty. Low bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma low. Some fruitiness and esters. Medium body. Low diacetyl. Examples: Newcastle Brown.
Gold to copper. Low carbonation. Medium bitterness. May or may not have hop flavor or aroma. Low to medium maltiness. Light to medium body. Low to medium Diacetyl. Fruitiness/esters.
Pale to deep amber/copper. Low to medium maltiness. High hop bitterness. Medium hop flavor and aroma. Use of English hops such as Goldings, Fuggles, etc. Fruity/estery. Low diacetyl. Medium body. Examples: Sam Smith's Old Brewery Pale Ale, Worthington White Shield.
Light amber to deep amber/copper. Medium to full body. Malty. Hop bitterness apparent but not aggressive, flavor and aroma can be assertive. Fruitiness/esters high. Alcoholic strength recognizable. Low diacetyl. Examples: Old Peculier, Thomas Hardy's Old Ale.
Slight sourness and spiciness. Deep copper to brown color. Fruity and estery. No hop flavor or aroma. Low to medium bitterness. Low diacetyl. Examples: Goudenband, Rodenbach.
Pale to golden. Light to medium body. High hop bitterness. Medium hop flavor and aroma, "noble-type". Low maltiness in aroma and flavor. No fruitness, esters. Very low diacetyl. Examples: Warsteiner, Beck's, Frankenmuth Pilsener.
Pale to amber. Medium body. Malty sweet character predominates in aroma and flavor. No toasted chocolate malt character. Low bitterness. Low hop flavor, "noble-type". No hop aroma. No fruitness or esters. Low to medium diacetyl. Examples: Ayinger Maibock
Dark copper to black. Hop bitterness, flavor and aroma medium to high. Alcohol strength evident. Rich maltiness. Fruitness/esters. Full-bodied. Low diacetyl. Examples: Grant's Imperial Stout, Sam Smith's Imperial Stout, Courage Imperial Stout.
Pale to deep amber/copper. Medium body. Medium maltiness. High hop bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma medium to high. Fruity/estery. Examples: Bass, Young's Special London Ale, Grant's IPA.
*Kolsch1.042 - 1.0464.4 - 5.020 - 30 3.5 - 5.0
Pale gold. Low hop flavor and aroma. Medium bitterness. Light to medium body. Slightly dry, winy palate. Malted wheat. Lager or ale yeast or combination of yeasts.
*Lambic1.040 - 1.0725.0 - 7.011 - 21 6.0 - 15.0
Intensely and cleanly sour. No hop bitterness, flavor or aroma. Effervescent. Fruity/estery and uniquely aromatic. Malted barley and unmalted wheat. Stale, old hops used. Cloudy. Types: Faro, Gueuze, Framboise, Kriek, Peche. Examples: Boon, Cantillon, Timmermans, Lindemans.
Amber to deep copper/orange. Malty sweetness, toasted malt aroma and flavor dominant. Medium body. Low to medium bitterness. Low hop flavor and aroma, "noble-type". No fruitiness, esters or diacetyl. Examples: Hofbrauhaus, Spaten, Paulaner.
Copper to dark brown. Medium body. Nutty, toasted, chocolate-like malty sweetness in aroma and flavor. Medium bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma. No fruitiness or esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Hofbrauhaus Dunkel, Spaten.
Pale to golden. Medium body. Medium malty sweetness. Low bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma, "noble-type". No fruitiness, esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Hofbrauhaus, Spaten, Paulaner.
Black. No roast barley character. Sharp bitterness of black malt, without high burnt/charcoal-like flavor. Medium to full bodied. Malty sweet. Medium hop bitterness. Little hop flavor and aroma. Fruitiness/esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Anchor Porter, Sierra Nevada Porter.
Dark brown to black. Medium body.l Roasted malt evident. Low sweetness in aroma and flavor. Low to medium bitterness. Low bitterness from roast malt. Hop flavor and aroma "noble-type". No fruitness, esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Kulmbacher, Sapporo Black.
Gold to amber to dark brown. Low carbonation. Low to medium bitterness. Little hop flavor and aroma. High maltiness. Medium to full body. Low to medium diacetyl. Fruitiness/esters. Faint smoky character. Examples: Caledonian Double Dark, McEwans.
Gold to maber to dark brown. Low carbonation. Low bitterness. May or may not have hop flavor and aroma. Medium to high maltiness. Medium body. Low to medium diacetyl. Fruitiness/esters. Faint smoky character.
Gold to amber. Low carbonation. Low bitterness. May or may not have hop flavor and aroma. Medium maltiness. Medium body. Low to medium diacetyl. Fruitiness/esters, Faint smoky character.
Similar to English Old/Strong Ale. Stronger, malty character. Deep copper to very black. Hop bitterness low. Diacetyl medium to high. Examples: Traquair House, MacAndrews.
Overall character sweet. Black opaque. Medium to full body. Hop bitterness low. Roasted barley character mild. No hop flavor or aroma. Sweet malty and caramel evident. Low to medium alcohol. Examples: Mackeson's Stout, Sam Adams Cream Stout.
Light to pale color. Light malty and hop aroma. Neutral hop/malt balance. Finish may be sweet. Medium to full body. Examples: Westmalle, Grimbergen, Affligem.
*Vienna1.048 - 1.0554.4 - 6.022 - 28 8.0 - 12.0
Amber to deep copper/light brown. Toasted malt aroma and flavor. Low malt sweetness. Light to medium body. Hop bitterness "noble-type" low to medium. Low hop flavor and aroma, "noble-type". No fruitiness, esters. Low diacetyl. Examples: Dos Equis.
Deep copper to dark brown. Light versions can be amber to copper. Medium to full body. Alcoholic strength evident. Maltiness high. Low bitterness. No hop flavor or aroma. Banana and clove character apparent. Low diacetyl. Examples: Schneider Aventinius.
Pale to golden. Light to medium body. About 50% wheat malt. Clove and slight banana character. Fruity/estery. Mild sourness. Highly effervescent. Cloudy. Low bitterness. Low hop flavor and aroma. No diacetyl. Examples: Paulaner, Hofbrauhaus.